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Senior Spotlight: Charleigh Romero

By Hailey Maes

Senior year is always bittersweet, it's a time where you are faced with a lot of decisions to make, and it's a time to look back on your last four years of high school. Charleigh Romero, a senior at Centennial High School, she has a lot of impressive accomplishments to reflect back on.

Charleigh Romero has been a huge part of Centennial, and has been in multiple clubs, and sports. “Being involved is important to me and because of this I am involved in many clubs and activities,” Romero explained.

“I participated in two sports, softball and track and field. I am also the vice president of Girls Cabinet, a member of Speech and Debate, and National Honors Society. I try to stay involved outside of school as well, so I am a member of the YWCA Junior Board here in town,.” Romero continued.

Being a part of clubs and sports is one aspect of high school she is able to look back on fondly, “I would have to say my participation in all the clubs and sports have been the highlight of my high school career.”

Romero also explained how being involved helped her through high school, “ I have made friends in every club and every sport I have participated in, playing softball and being in games is a huge thrill and track meets have given me some of the best memories.”

Romero has worked extremely hard these past few years to ensure herself a promising future, she was able to maintain a 4.2 all throughout high school, be a part of many clubs and sports, and take college classes to earn her associates degree this summer.

She clearly is an outstanding student, and a clear attribute to Centennial, she also has a bright future. Romero knows exactly what her future holds.

“I should be finishing up my Associates degree this summer, when school starts up again I will most likely be attending the University of Denver to get a major in political science. My ultimate goal is to get a law degree so that I can become an immigration attorney but that is a long ways down the road,” Romero explained.

As a freshman you imagine what your senior year will look like, this year's senior class’ vision was far off. “I did not truly get the traditional senior year I was imagining. I was really looking forward to all the assemblies and football and baseball games but because of the pandemic the other seniors and I did not get that authentic experience.”

Romero continues, “There is still hope for prom, at least I think. All of this was so fun as an underclassman but I would have loved to experience it as a senior with all my friends. Hopefully the underclassmen get the chance to have the senior year experience I imagined.”

As Romero is clearly not having the senior year she envisioned but she takes this time to look back and deeply reflect, “My biggest challenge in high school was this beginning of this year, my senior year. I believe I bit off more than I can chew with all the clubs I am in and in charge of. On top of this too I had to apply to colleges and scholarships,” Romero shared.

Although her freshman year is far behind her, she leaves behind a message to incoming freshmen, “Do the work and pay attention, as long as you do what you are supposed to then high school will be a lot easier and you will have so much more time to go out and spend time with your friends.”

Everyone has someone in their life that influences them, and pushes them to do better, for Romero that person is her mom. This was a no brainer, my biggest influence is my mom, as cliche as this may sound, my mom is a single mother who had to raise 3 kids on her own and she did a great job. A few years ago my mom took a huge step and decided to go back to school and get her degree while still having to take care of my sister and I,” Romero shared.

She continued on to say, “So far she has gotten her associates degree and I am so very proud of her but what is even more fascinating is that she is still going to school so that she can get her bachelor's degree. To me this is so inspiring, seeing my mother be a mother, a provider, and a student all at once was all the motivation I needed to be as strong as she is. I figured if she can do that then I can do what I dream too.”

For Romero these last four years has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but she is ready to say goodbye to high school, and start chasing her dreams.

Courtesy Photo.

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