By Bonnie Peek
The Centennialight
Lou is a Netflix movie; it came out September 23, 2022. Lou is rated R and is an American action thriller film directed by Anna Foerster. The film stars Allison Janney, Jurnee Smillett, Logan Marshall-Green, Ridley Asha Bateman, and Matt Craven.
When we first meet Lou (Janney), she is bitter, jaded and ready to wrap her affairs. However, when the daughter of her next door neighbor, Hannah (Smollett), is kidnapped, she’ll have to go on a journey to rescue the young girl, which may reveal a few things about herself in the process.
Lou is an old girl who helps track Vee(Ridley Asha Bateman). Vee's dad Phillp(Logan Marshall-Green) wants to get his family back so he sets Hannah and Lou on a journey.
The movie Lou is a good movie if you love journey movies. Some journey movies can help with some stuff.