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Writer's pictureTheCentennialight

My Experience With Mental Health

By Anonymous

The Centennialight

Depression is overlooked, especially for young people. Parents sometimes don't believe their kids when they tell them they’re depressed, which only makes kids feel worse. It makes them think that they have no one there for them. Parents often tell their kids that they’re too young to know what depression is or what it feels like but that’s total crap. There are kids and teenagers in this world that feel drained, and feeling mentally drained is probably one of the worst feelings ever. You have no energy to do anything; you start to think that things in this world don’t matter.

Feeling mentally drained is mainly caused by school. Being swamped with school work, grades, and pressure from parents just makes kids even more stressed. Adults and parents and everyone in general need to start thinking about how their kids feel, because people go through depression and often no one even notices.

To be clear, there’s a healthy way of balancing dedication to school and not letting the stress get to you.

I have felt all of these things. I lost a loved one and I lost myself. It's bad. I stopped eating, I didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything, I slept all the time, I rarely got out of my bed, and I stopped socializing with everyone I talked to. Things didn’t taste the same because I lost my appetite for everything. I felt like whenever someone would talk to me and tell me things to make me feel better, their words would go in one ear and out the other. I was just numb.

So, when people decide to tell me what they are going through, I don’t judge or just tell them they’re fine, because I have felt these things and I understand what they are going through.

Depression is such an awful and lonely feeling and parents and adults in general (as well as other teenagers) need to start listening to kids, because young people have feelings too and deserve to be heard.

If you are ever feeling like you are depressed, reach out to someone. Whether it’s a friend, a parent, a counselor or mental-health professional, or any trusted adult, talk to someone - you are never alone.

And, if anyone comes to you to talk about what they're going through, listen.

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